Meet bibu's new chairperson Ulla Lidholm

Hi Ulla!
What does being Chair of the Board of bibu mean to you?
I am a culture lover of great measure. Especially performing arts for children and young people. An important target group that needs access to culture more than ever. Some of my greatest theatre experiences have been with young audiences. Internationally, Sweden has always been at the forefront when it comes to giving young audiences high-quality cultural experiences. I feel honoured to be the chairperson of bibu and look forward to being part of developing the organization together with the management and the board.
What is the best thing about bibu?
To continue to be a meeting point for all active performing artists who work hard with performances for a tough and wonderful audience, often on tour. Helsingborg is an important meeting place to take stock of the cultural policy situation, to see each other's performances, to discuss the future and to share experiences and new thinking.
Do you see any challenges for bibu in the future?
The challenge, as for everyone in the cultural sphere today, is money! I look forward to creative conversations about how we can manage and develop the organization. How can we find new ways and additional funds?
As I said, the performing arts are and have been of the utmost importance to me. For over 45 years, I have worked in the service of culture, especially in theatre. Without an investment in culture, we have no functioning society.
Thank you Ulla!
We are so looking forward to working together with you over the coming years!
Publicerad: 2024-11-11